
Fun field trips and activities!
Throughout the year the children will have the opportunity to go on field trips to explore and learn about the world around them.
Some places will charge an entrance fee, while others will not. Parents, volunteers are always welcome to join us during these outings or share a special trade/talent.
Here’s a list of some fun activities/places we often will take the children:
- Zoo
- Museums
- Nature Walks
- Butterfly Garden
- Fruit/Vegetable Picking
- Pumpkin Patch
- Indoor Snow Day
- Water Park
- Airport
- Pottery Shop
- Pet Shop
- Bird Show
- Animal Shelters
- Ice Cream/Pizza Tours
- Cooking Class
- Bakery Shop
- Aquarium
- Dental Hygiene Presentation
- Local Parades
- Horse Farm
- School Tract Meets
- Police/Fire Station
- Nursing Home
- Movie Theater
- Library Story Time
- Reptile Shows
- Build A Bear Work-Shop
- Science In The Park
- Post Office
- Circus
- Indoor/ Amusement Parks
- Carnivals
- Art Show
- Musical/Dance Class
- Children Theatre Production