We learn through play at Giggle & Wiggles Daycare
Taking care of very young children involves more than just meeting their physical needs, as their education is just as important to us. Creating an active learning environment for infants, toddlers and preschoolers means consciously considering all their needs in developing their emotional, cognitive and social skills before starting kindergarten. Our curriculum is structured and designed with various learning styles that incorporate specific themes for each age group.
Our Infant/Toddler/Preschool activities are thematic, where the children learn through play while using their imagination. This is what makes our program unique from others
Preschoolers will learn how to share and cooperate, to work together and take turns, to participate in group activities and follow simple directions, and to communicate wants and needs. Our preschool activities also revolve around the letters of the month, shapes, and colors.
Giggles & Wiggles is a fun, clean, caring family environment with lots of good times with new friends.
For More Information or to Schedule an Interview, please contact us.